Episode 21: Ways to be a Present Dad in a Healthy Relationship
- Topic 1: The roles a with a healthy relationship can play
- Any relationship takes clear communications. It is hard to have a relationship without fair mind set.
- You must be around to begin the process of open conversations.
- You must be present and being around.
- We watched kids that we really liked and found the parents did.
- Advise that was given: Do not rush any part of life, embraces each stage of life. Because once that stage is gone it is gone.
- The brain is like concrete as it gets molded as you grow.
- Roles that fathers can play within their families: Provider, Leader, Teacher – discipline, Encourager, Accountability, Helper, Friend, & Counselor.
- There has been research that shows a correlation between higher levels of sociability, confidence, and self-control in children who have fathers that are actively involved.
- Topic 2: Why should a father be a part of day-to-day life.
- Sometimes it is just checking in with children throughout the day.
- The involvement with each stage of children’s life.
- It is all about being present.
- Topic 3: Why should you travel as a family?
- Travel is about getting to go and see what other areas have and don’t have.
- Topic 4: Why are books important?
- Starting before the children are born as they are unborn until the moment children can pick a book up themselves. Reading together with your children.
- Made the time to read as a bedtime. Sometimes you have to just do it.
- Why did you find it important to read as families.
- Book that was given as a change of life my (Tom Stackhouse) life - Hand Me Another Brick
- Leadership books: Hand Me Another Brick and Lincoln on Leadership
- Children’s Book Series: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Books that are series like Chronical of Narnia – getting a good healthy fancy, Red Wall.
- What’s the biggest key for parenting you have received and practices over the years?
- Enjoying each stage. Not wishing away a stage of life.
- Find the times you are able to be present with your children.
- Recap:
- The roles a with a healthy relationship can play.
- The way fathers can be involved day to day.
- The importance of traveling.
- The importance of books and reading.
- Call to action: Know your child and you get to know that by being present. Help them to become brave individuals.
- Be present.