Episode 22: Know YOUR Credit Report

Season #3

    • Brief Summary of objectives (3):
      • Credit scores vs. credit report
      • Why bother with credit report?
      • Building good credit
  • Credit
    • Topic 1: Credit scores vs. credit report
      • Why does it matter how we have paid a credit card on time?
      • Credit score only when you are trying to use it
      • Top thing to effect your credit score is paying on time, how much credit you have and how you have used it, with a varity of credit, your history.
    • Topic 2: Why bother with credit report?
      • One of the top reasons is to make sure it is accurate
      • You should get one credit report yearly
    • Topic 3: Building good credit
      • Pay your bills on time every time, shows how you can be trusted with money being loaned.
      • Paying it on the due date might not pose on the due date
      • Don’t get to close to your credit limit.
      • Maxing out credit cards aren’t good… using less than 30% of your given credit limit.
      • Do not apply for to much credit in a short amount of time.
    • Topic 4: Really Credit Bad credit – how do you rebuild?
    • 4 Things that don’t help credit: Prepaid Card, Debit/Cash, Taking Out Payday loan or an autoloan that are own here buy here.
    • Call to action: Take a moment today and to go get your credit report.
  • Resources and where to connect.