Episode 14: Find out YOUR Why on a Jiu Jitsu Mat

Season #2

  • Introduction “Welcome to Stacked Intent, where we discuss and drop tips on how you are going to intentionally stack your life. I’m Becca Stackhouse-Morson – owner of Stacked Intent. Today, we’ll be talking about Does Jiu Jitsu help Self Defense with our guest, Dawna Gonzales. Let’s get started!”
    • Tell us a little bit about you your background and what you are doing.
      • 10th Planet Black Belt under Eddie Bravo.
      • Teach Jiu Jitsu and specializes with beginners with it being my wheelhouse.
      • Self-Defense Expert along with women’s empowerment.

*Walked away from her first class with this group of people that was very welcoming, which was refreshing in the Hollywood. Now she is fifteen years later, and Eddie is one of her best friends.  

    • Brief Summary of objectives:
      • Why Self Defense is important in our lives.
      • The importance of how jiu jitsu and self-defense are connected.
      • The importance of stepping into a training setting regularly.
  • Topic 1: Why is Self Defense important.
    • Self Defense is important for women to know because it is a skill you hope you never need.
    • Personal empowerment that comes from stepping on a jiu jitsu mat. The tools of problem solving that comes with those skills.
    • Women’s Self Defense Course that turned into its own thing that was a six-week course and it became an empowerment of an amazing experience.
    • Having a sisterhood and community of women who are a part of the Jiu Jitsu world.
  • Topic 2: How does Jiu Jitsu connect to Self Defense
    • The difference when I am teaching of what I am doing with the same move. Self Defense you get away Jiu Jitsu engaging.
    • Self Defense might add in sticking.
  • Topic 3: Why should everyone train regularly with jiu jitsu
    • Needs to be embedded in your skills.
    • My body needs to be able to fight without thinking for repetitive moments.
    • Winning the mental game.
    • Jiu Jitsu is from the worst situation possible. Says Eddie Bravo
    • Women Seminar and Classes are a buffer zone to see why it is totally worth it.
    • Everyone finds their own why of why they show up in the mats. Jiu Jitsu shows you the best version of yourself and a humble of yourself.
  • Recap:
      • Why Self Defense is important in our lives.
      • The importance of how jiu jitsu and self-defense are connected.
      • The importance of stepping into a training setting regularly.


  • Call to action: Challenge anyone to take a jiu jitsu class and go see if you like the vibe? Find a female coach to work with if you are a female. Encourage women to go see what they are capable of.


Stacked Intent 


Dawna Gonzoles (Instagram, Website, Women's Self Defense Network  )