Episode 17: Kids in the Kitchen - Virtual Cooking Club with UGA Extension

Season #2

Kids in the Kitchen


  • Introduction “Welcome to Stacked Intent, where we discuss and drop tips on how you are going to intentionally stack your life. I’m Becca Stackhouse-Morson – owner of Stacked Intent, and with me is co-host for our nutrition topics with Ashleigh Childs Geurin, FACS County Extension Agent for UGA. Today, we’ll be talking about Kids in the Kitchen with our special guest, Zoe. Let’s get started!”
    • Brief Summary of objectives:
      • To help your kids with their self-efficacy in the kitchen
      • To help your children increase some knowledge in the kitchen.
      • To expose your children and family to new foods
      • To use the kitchen as a bonding experience
  • Topic 1: Increasing Self Efficacy in the Kitchen
    • Practicing because it makes everything perfect.
    • Kids in the Kitchen virtual cooking program that is a virtual 2-hour cooking class with adult supervision. They are working on recipes together.
    • Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behavior, and social environment.
    • “My kid wants to cook more” “My kids is more interest cooking now”
    • Kids from 4 to 18 years old that have participated in.
    • It is never too early to start including kids in the kitchen.
  • Topic 2: Increasing knowing nutrition and food safety.
    • Looking at increasing the nutrition of the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
    • Eating the rainbow of different colors
    • Food safety - of cleaning hands, bacteria, checking temporary and much more of the food safety.
    • Grabbing a meat thermometer. 
  • Topic 3: Exposing to new foods.
    • The way we have exposed is exposing the recipes that represent differently.
    • Choosing recipes that have different food groups or from different cultures helps to provide an opportunity for different recipes in the kitchen.
    • Grab a new fruit or vegetable when you are shopping in the grocery store.
    • Looking at choosing a budget friendly recipe.
    • Encouraging your kids to try
  • Topic 4: Bonding time with the family – creating a bonding experience in the family of giving parents or grandparents a teaching opportunity in the kitchen. Parents told them “we learned that we really liked being in the kitchen together.”
  • Recap:
      • To help your kids with their self-efficacy in the kitchen – learning about who motivation, environment, and behaviors.
      • To help your children increase some knowledge in the kitchen.
      • To expose your children and family to new foods through new recipes and meals in the day.
      • To use the kitchen as a bonding experience helps families get involved in the kitchen.
  • Tell us about the “Kids in the Kitchen” Cooking Club – what is it? How do people get involved? What made you start sharing through a cooking club?
  • Call to action: what is a nutrition call to action we can create for individuals to work on?

Be intentional about involving your kids in the choosing and preparation of healthy meals.