Episode 12: Setting Up Budget Categories & Accounts

Season #2

Introduction “Welcome to Stacked Intent, where we discuss and drop tips on how you are going to intentionally stack your life. I’m Becca Stackhouse-Morson – owner of Stacked Intent. Today, we’ll be talking about your spending plan / budget and how to set up categories for accounts.  Let’s get started!”

    • Brief Summary of objectives:
      • Find the best way to track your spending plan
      • Find the best method for you
      • Find a tea/coffee date that you can have with yourself.


  • Topic 1: Spending Plan – where to track it
    • There are apps, paper planners, excel spread sheets
      • But it doesn’t work if it is the wrong method for you
    • Best overall app: mint, best app for beginners: good budget, best app for serious budgeters: you need a budget, small business: QuickBooks are just a few of the suggestions from a cnbc article.
    • Write it out
    • Excel spreadsheet


  • Topic 2: How does multiple accounts help
    • Bills account that is off limits to anything besides bills
    • Emergency fund only available for what you have classified as emergency.
    • Savings
    • Spending Accounts
    • Grocery/Eating Out


  • Topic 3: Monthly tea/coffee dates
    • If you are doing this with yourself have a checklist: where are we? Where am I headed? How is my credit card balances? Are my accounts balanced? Move my money to the correct account?
    • In a partner relationship: What expenses do we have coming up? What trips are we planning for? Gifts?
  • Recap:
    • Find the best way for you to track your plan and make it work for you
    • Find the best bank and account method for you. In my finances it helps me most to have a bill (no touch account), groceries (our grocery & eating out), &
    • Find a day each month that you are going to have a date – if your single this is with yourself and if you share your finances this is with your partner.


  • Call to action: I dare you this week to set your spending plan of all the money coming in and going out! Open an additional account if you need it! Join my conversation about this on Instagram or send me an email to share the steps you have taken at [email protected]