Episode 5: Why Traveling is important to YOUR world

Season #1

Brief Summary of Objectives:

• Travel to expand knowledge

• Travel to gain memories and experiences

• Travel with a budget


1) Why Travel

• Traveling takes us out of our comfort zone to be inspired to see, taste and try something new • Traveling challenges, us to adapt to and explore our new surroundings • Going new places helps us to embrace adventure • Traveling can make you happier, help you disconnect and recharge, relieve stress and anxiety, expose new things, make you physically healthier and can boost your creativity

2) Travel Alone or Together Travel alone or solo travel

• Gives you a chance to listen to your gut and control what direction you head • Allows you to reflect on your decisions and make discoveries • Sheer freedom • Your perfect trip • All the time in the world to reflect and think in peace • Increase self confidence • Greater awareness • Self-discovery Traveling together • Helps to reconnect • Provides intentionality with friends, spouse or siblings

3) Budgeting Before and During Travel

• Plane tickets • Rental Car • Activities • Where to stay • Debit or Credit Cards or Cash Challenge: I dare you to choose two new places in your next year to explore. Once as a solo traveler and once as a trip with someone.


“Wanderlust: n. a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world”

“Life is meant for good friends and great adventures” – Anonymous

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all” – Helen Keller