
Services Offered

One of the most effective ways for me to assist you in rediscovering or discovering yourself is by scheduling a conversation. I provide a complimentary discovery call where we can meet, address any questions you have, and determine if we are a good match.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 30


Question 2 of 30


Question 3 of 30


Please enter your complete street address, city, state, and zip code. 

Question 4 of 30

Phone number

please provide your phone number where you can be reached. 

Question 5 of 30

Birthday, anniversary, and important dates for you. 

Question 6 of 30

Preferred method of contact




Phone Number


Text Message

Question 7 of 30

Relationship Dynamic











Question 8 of 30

My healthy relationship self-goals are… 

Question 9 of 30

My relationship with my financial goals is… 

Question 10 of 30

My healthy nutrition relationship goal is… 

Question 11 of 30

My overall rediscover or discover of my self are… 

Question 12 of 30

The biggest challenge I have in reaching my goals of a healthy self-relationship is/are… 

Question 13 of 30

Please list how you have worked toward a healthy self-relationship in the past. 

Question 14 of 30

Do you have any hobbies? How often do you do your hobbies? 

Question 15 of 30

What is your morning routine? 

Question 16 of 30

What are daily habits? 

Question 17 of 30

What is your nighttime routine? 

Question 18 of 30

What helps you relax/unwind? 

Question 19 of 30

How important are other people’s opinions to you? 

Question 20 of 30

Describe your spiritual life? 

Question 21 of 30

On a scale of 1 (not ready) to 10 (very ready), how ready are you to rediscover or discover your most authentic self? 

Question 22 of 30

If you are not ready to rediscover or discover your most authentic self, what are the barriers preventing you from becoming ready? 

Question 23 of 30

On a scale of 1 (not confident at all) to 10 (very confident), how confident are you to rediscover or discover your most authentic self? 

Question 24 of 30


If you chose 1-5, what would you need in order to become more confident? 

Let’s chat about your relationship with financial:

Just think and answer very honestly. 

Question 26 of 30

How often do you look at your checking account? 

Question 27 of 30

What were you taught about finance throughout your life? 

Question 28 of 30

How do you feel when you check your financial status? 

Question 29 of 30

Do you have a current spending plan you follow? 

Question 30 of 30

Do you have current financial goals? 

Confirm and Submit